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Solar streetlight solutions in Saint Barth


  Road and street, Park and recreation

    Saint-Barthélémy, FRANCE

  iSSL +, Maxi 4 & Maxi Area

Eclairage solaire autonome pour un terrain de tennis à Saint-Barthélémy

Solar lighting solution in extreme climatic conditions


Hurricane irma reconstruction program


One year after Hurricane Irma devastated St. Martin and St. Barthélemy, reconstruction continues on both islands, but remains slow in St. Martin, more affected and facing insurance and material delivery problems.


In many places, tarpaulin-covered roofs and unrepaired houses are still evidence of the strength of the cyclone. In other places, roofs are being built. Families still live there, but no one is housed in emergency shelters anymore. “Gradually we come back, it’s hard, it’s a long-term job,” admits Daniel Gibbs, President of the Saint-Martin community.


“On private buildings, we still have a major reconstruction,” says Philippe Gustin, Inter-ministerial Delegate for Reconstruction and Guadeloup’s Prefect, who also highlights the efforts to bury power lines and digital telephone networks.

Eclairage solaire autonome urbain à Saint-Barthélémy

Fast, economical and sustainable autonomous solar lighting solutions


For the publics lighting challenges


In this context of reconstruction, Sunna Design has developed a local partners network, notably with Saint Barth Solar, to provide rapid, economical and sustainable solutions to meet the challenges of public lighting for public and private infrastructure.


“I think it is important to put all efforts into reconstruction and especially into networks. A real master plan should be drawn up, bringing all the players around the table: electricity, telephone, sanitation…” begins Xavier Lédée (United for Saint-Barthélemy) during the 2018 budget orientation debates at the Saint Barthélémy territorial council. “90% of public lighting needs to be redone, it is an opportunity to reflect on the use of renewable energies, especially solar energy”.

Solutions d’éclairage public solaire à Saint-Barthélémy

The solution: intelligent and connected iSSL Maxi 4 solar lighting fixtures


From the “place de lorient” to the island’s tennis courts


Emblematic projects have been carried out by Sunna Design and its partners with the deployment of solar street lighting solutions, ISSL Maxi Area around the Colombier tennis courts. We have also installed six iSSL Maxi 4 around the parking area of the Lorient church in Saint Barthélemy. The FBM electric vehicle garage also purchased solar autonomous lighting solutions.


These alternative solutions usual infrastructures allow to validate the technical and economic relevance for a more massive diffusion in isolated or strategic places.

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Collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy
Products used


iSSL Maxi Area, iSSL Maxi 4

Which products for this field of application ?

    Park and recreation Parking lot Path and crosswalk Path and crosswalk
    The iSSL+ is a reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution, particularly suitable for pedestrian walkways, cycle paths and car parks. This innovative product offers a very simple and quick installation with unmatched performance and connected services such as Sunnap'. Do you have a similar project or any other project? Talk to our sales team!    
    Park and recreation Parking lot General Area
    The iSSL maxi Area is a reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution, particularly suitable for area lighting, car parks and public squares. This innovative product offers a very simple and quick installation with unmatched performance and connected services such as Sunnap'.   Do you have a similar project or any other project ? Talk to our sales team!    
    Road and street Parking lot General Area Road and street
    iSSL Maxi Road is the most reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution. This innovative product offers unparalleled performance and connected services with the SunnApp, and installs very quickly.   Do you have a similar project or any other project ? Talk to our sales team!    
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL+ noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL+ blanc
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Area noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Area blanc
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road Noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road blanc

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