Home Solar lighting blog Solar Lighting at the Service of all City Infrastructures

Solar Lighting at the Service of all City Infrastructures


Catarroja is a Spanish town located in the south of Valencia. In the past, the municipality had built several dog parks so residents could walk their pets pleasantly. However, while these parks were appreciated by the residents of Catarroja and their companions, they lacked a lot of lighting. The The municipality approached Sunna Design to quickly overcome this lack of street lights while opting for a reliable and energy-efficient solution.


  Park and recreation

   Catarroja – ESPAGNE

  ISSL Maxi Road, ISSL Maxi

Éclairage solaire du parc à chien vu d'en haut.

Field Issues Related to Traditional Street Lighting


In Catarroja, the situation is clear: the dog parks are dark and don’t have direct access to the electrical network. The city’s technical managers in charge of the street lighting project and the installer ETRA thus had two intervention options. With the installation of traditional street lamps, the lighting of dog parks would require heavy work, such as digging trenches to connect the three parks in question to electricity. By choosing solar street lamps, the work was simplified, less expensive, and without inconvenience for the inhabitants.


A technical and financial analysis of the situation made it possible to highlight the best solution for this street lighting project: solar street lamps.

Éclairage solaire du parc à chien vue du ciel.

The Advantage of Solar Lighting in a Variety of Areas


The municipality of Catarroja and one of the installers in charge of the maintenance of public lighting contacted Sunna Design to express their needs in terms of solar street lighting in the three dog parks of the city.


After a customized analysis of the client and terrain’s needs, Sunna Design teams selected 2 iSSL Maxi area solar streetlights and 9 iSSL Maxi Road solar streetlights. With a color temperature of 3000 k and a light level of 10 lux, these solar solutions provide quality lighting uniformity for the comfort of users of the public spaces.


The project managers did not hesitate to entrust the lighting of these different areas to Sunna Design, seduced by the speed and ease of installation of these autonomous street lamps powered by free energy that doesn’t involve an increase in the energy bill. Sunna Design’s solar solutions also have unequaled reliability, a 6-year warranty on the entire product, and a sober design that adapts to all environments, all arguments in favor of a fruitful and fully satisfactory collaboration between the municipality of Catarroja and Sunna Design.

  • Éclairage solaire du parc à chien pendant l'après-midi vu d'en haut.
  • Vue du ciel de l'éclairage solaire du parc à chien.
  • Prise de vue en plogé de l'éclairage solaire du parc à chien.
  • Éclairage solaire du parc à chien pendant l'après-midi.
  • Prise de vue en plogé de l'éclairage solaire du parc à chien.
  • Éclairage solaire du parc à chien pendant l'après-midi.
  • Éclairage solaire du parc à chien vue du ciel.




Catarroja, Valence, Espagne


Municipalité de Catarroja
Produits utilisés


iSSL Maxi Road, iSSL Maxi Area



Which products for this field of application?

    Path and crosswalk Path and crosswalk Park and recreation Parking lot
    The iSSL+ is a reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution, particularly suitable for pedestrian walkways, cycle paths and car parks. This innovative product offers a very simple and quick installation with unmatched performance and connected services such as Sunnap'. Do you have a similar project or any other project? Talk to our sales team!    
    Park and recreation Parking lot General Area
    The iSSL maxi Area is a reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution, particularly suitable for area lighting, car parks and public squares. This innovative product offers a very simple and quick installation with unmatched performance and connected services such as Sunnap'.   Do you have a similar project or any other project ? Talk to our sales team!    
    General Area Road and street Road and street Parking lot
    iSSL Maxi Road is the most reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution. This innovative product offers unparalleled performance and connected services with the SunnApp, and installs very quickly.   Do you have a similar project or any other project ? Talk to our sales team!    
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL+ noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL+ blanc
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Area noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Area blanc
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road Noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road blanc

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