Home Solar lighting blog About solar lighting Smiles to fight the night

About solar lighting   March 2023


Smiles to fight the night


On either side of a road, a path, families live, work, study and play. This is the essence of a human community, a village. In a country bathed in sunshine, rich in youth, local authorities can act thanks to technology. It is not a revolution but the best possible use of an inexhaustible source of energy for the development of all: the sun.

Along a gravel path, families are living, working, learning or even playing. it’s the essence of human dwelling, a village


In developing countries, youth is wealth and knowledge is power. All decision making powers can combine sustainable sources of energy and technologies to foster future development.



Fight the darkness


Here in Asyut, Egypt, community leaders and the Zayed representatives teamed up to install some Sunna Design’s autonomous solar lamposts. The community’s reaction is overwhelming. Night lighting has brought much more than bare security. Along the main path, families are gathering to work, to play, to learn and live even more. Communities thrive when able to use positively the fresh times of the night without fears of danger. Sunna Design’s equipment is easy to buy, maintenance-free and designed to withstand the worst conditions of heat and winds. That’s why the Zayed chose us to achieve some of utmost demanding projects since 2018.







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